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BHP tilt for Anglo American “on a knife-edge”

GIVEN Anglo American has fruitlessly undertaken "multiple engagements" with BHP, which remains firmly committed to its proposed takeover structure of Anglo, it's a wonder...

Risky uranium too rich a bet, even for Sibanye-Stillwater

URANIUM is not a mineral Sibanye-Stillwater CEO Neal Froneman wants to take on again, not single-handedly at least; not even given its recent price...

SA’s latest PGM mine doesn’t inspire confidence

SOUTH Africa's platinum group metals sector may be battening down the hatches while prices languish but new production is coming on stream nonetheless. Canada's...

A counter-consensus argument for PGM prices is beginning to emerge

IT'S been a horrible year for platinum group metals (PGM). Platinum and palladium prices, which comprise 70% to 80% of total South African production,...

How the mining industry can kickstart gender diversity

"IT'S a man’s world." James Brown sang the lyric that for decades has been repurposed to describe the global mining industry. But what is so...

Minerals Council members guilty of uneven disclosure

IS the South African mining industry withdrawing from public engagement? There was a time when the vast majority of South African mining production was represented...

Power procurement is a project risk miners dare not get wrong

THE history of the South African mining and energy industries has been tightly intertwined for more than a century and both owe their very...

Patrice Motsepe is an enigma but on Transnet he spoke the...

IMAGINE sitting in a brainstorming session with Patrice Motsepe, the chair of African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) and erstwhile owner of football club Mamelodi Sundowns?...

Another nail in JSE’s flailing mining sector as RBPlat bids farewell

THE South African mining story of the year has surely been the epic tussle between Implats and Northam for RBPlats. It is all over...

Three fold value lift in mining shares puts the lie to...

ARE mining companies still deriving benefit from a JSE listing? I suggest a resounding yes, regardless that there have been a number of companies...