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Small miners take aim at Shabangu

A document criticising the amended mining charter is calling for Mineral Resources Minister Susan Shabangu to relinquish her position of leading transformation in the sector.

JP Morgan calls metals higher

It's looking good for commodities according to JP Morgan as investment demand, economic stimulus packages and renewed inflation are expected to drive up prices across the board next year.

SA firm plans $300m pig iron project

South Africa Metals Equity plans a new plant which may produce about 500 000 tonnes per annum of pig iron.

Platinum may jump 60%, predict analysts

Platinum was tipped by two leading investment bank analysts to be among the strongest performing commodities in the coming months, while warning of the potential for a significant setback for gold.

Rio, BHP iron ore deal still alive

Mining giant Rio Tinto has denied making any "final decisions" on its controversial iron ore merger with BHP Billiton, as the massive deal appears on the brink of collapse.

NUM bemoans spat of mine fatalities

The National Union of Mineworkers has reported a fatality at Harmony Gold Mining's Tshepong Mine in the Free State.

Kumba strike ends with multi-year deal

Kumba has ended a strike over wages by agreeing to a multi-year deal which will increase salaries by between 7.5% to 10%.

Tide turns on ArcelorMittal deal

The PIC is the third institutional shareholder to express reservations about ArcelorMittal SA's R9bn BEE deal with the Ayigobi Consortium, which includes Imperial Crown Trading.

Kumba revises offer to end strike

Kumba Iron Ore has revised its offer for a pay raise as it sought to end a strike by thousands of its workers, a National Union of Mineworkers official says.

ANCYL may open branches at mines

The ANC Youth League is "seriously considering" opening branches at mines after the National Union of Mineworkers criticised its president Julius Malema.